How To Prepare For Your New Storage Shed in Lima, Ohio

If you’ve just bought a new storage shed in Lima, Ohio, you’re probably itching to get it installed. But before you can go ahead and install your storage shed, you’ll need to do a few things to get the space ready. Here’s what you’ll need to do to prepare for your new storage shed:

Decide if you need a foundation

You must first decide whether or not your shed needs a foundation. If it’s smaller than 8 x 8 feet or weighing less than 300 pounds, then you might be able to get away without one. In this case, you could install it on a cleared away, level patch of dirt. But if your shed is larger, stores heavy equipment, or doesn’t have a built-in floor, then you will need to build a foundation.

Choose your foundation materials

The materials you use for your foundation depend on the size and type of shed you’re installing. If there’s no built-in floor, then you’ll need to install a concrete slab foundation. Concrete is the sturdiest foundation material, but it lacks drainage. If you go with a concrete foundation, you’ll most likely need it to be professionally installed, although it is possible to do it on your own if you’re handy and knowledgeable about mixing concrete.

Installing the shed on a foundation of cement blocks is another way to make a foundation for your shed, giving you the simplest and cheapest process of all. You’ll still need to clear and level the area, but you can simply prop your storage shed up on a few cement blocks set to even levels. The most versatile material, however, is crushed stone. A crushed stone or “gravel” foundation will keep your shed stable while providing drainage. It’s inexpensive, simple to build, and will last longer than cement blocks.

Pick your foundation site

Once you’ve decided on your foundation materials, you’ll need to select the location of your new shed. You will need your foundation to be about two feet longer than the width and length of your shed, so that you have about a foot of room beyond the shed itself. Do not build your foundation near any utility lines or too close to your home or property lines. Check the local ordinances, building codes, and homeowner association bylaws to see what restrictions will affect your shed.

You’ll also want to build the foundation in a site that has good drainage, gets good lighting, and is relatively level. Be sure to stay away from trees, as you don’t want the roots to upset your foundation.

Install the foundation

The last step is to build the foundation. If you’re doing it yourself, such as with a gravel pad, then you will want to begin by measuring the space. Order enough crushed stone to fill your space, then use a rake to disperse the gravel smoothly across the pad. Use a leveler to make sure each corner is level and adjust the gravel as needed.

Now you’re ready to enjoy your new shed! By working hard to prepare the site, you’re ensuring a shed that lasts.